Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 3rd Edition

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Nicholas C. Zakas provides a developer-level introduction along with more advanced and useful features of JavaScript. Coverage includes JavaScript use with HTML to create dynamic webpages, language concepts including syntax and flow control statements.

Other topics include variable handling given their loosely typed nature, built-in reference types such as object and array, object-oriented programming, powerful aspects of function expressions and Browser Object Model allowing interaction with the browser itself.

This book is aimed at three groups of readers: Experienced object-oriented programming developers looking to learn JavaScript as it relates to traditional OO languages such as Java and C++; Web application developers attempting to enhance site usability; novice JavaScript developers.

Nicholas C. Zakas worked with the Web for over a decade. He has worked on corporate intranet applications used by some of the largest companies in the world and large-scale consumer websites such as MyYahoo! and the Yahoo! homepage. He regularly gives talks at companies and conferences regarding front-end best practices and new technology.

If you want to achieve JavaScript's full potential, it is critical to understand its nature, history, and limitations. To that end, this updated version of the bestseller by veteran author and JavaScript guru Nicholas C. Zakas covers JavaScript from its very beginning to the present-day incarnations including the DOM, Ajax, and HTML5.

Zakas shows you how to extend this powerful language to meet specific needs and create dynamic user interfaces for the web that blur the line between desktop and internet. By the end of the book, you'll have a strong understanding of the significant advances in web development as they relate to JavaScript so that you can apply them to your next website.

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